I’ve been on a weight loss journey since September 27th, 2014 and since then have lost 30.4lbs! I get asked many questions as to how I’m loosing all this weight so quickly so I thought I would share my secret.
The secret is.. there is no secret at all! From September of last year to this March 2015 its actually already been 6 months. The truth – a balanced diet and exercise. But most of all having a proper mind set is key. Slow and steady wins the race. I find that people now a days try to look for a quick fix when it comes to weightloss. they get sucked into fad diets that just aren’t healthy for anyone. People beat themselves up for loosing weight to slowly or continue to compare themselves to celebrities around them. STOP DOING THAT! Everyones body is different and therefore everyone will loose weight differently. For some the weight may just melt off for others it may take longer. You should be proud about the progress you make no matter how great or small it is.
The first step in a weight loss journey is to make the decision that you’re going to do it. Enough is enough commit to it! Next choose a weigh in day and keep a log of your progress. You don’t want to be weighing yourself everyday as weight fluctuates each day. Some days you’ll be lighter some days you’ll be heavier. My weigh in day is every Friday morning and whatever the scale reads that day is what I log in. For the first couple of weeks I would only loose 0.2lbs, but I never gave up! Now I loose anywhere from 1-2lbs a week. Next is obvious make time to work out! You don’t have to spend hours and hours at the gym! Stop making the excuse that you don’t have time for it! I work out 3-4x a week for 30mins each morning. THATS IT! That’s all it takes!
I have a 7 month old and a 3 year old at home with me so its hard for me to spend hours at the gym. JILLIAN MICHAELS is amazing! Her DVDs optimize your time and you can get a full bodys workout in just 30mins. These are the two DVDs I use to work out with in my living room every morning after my eldest has been sent off to school. These DVDs were $8.00 from walmart! All you need is an exercise mat, a couple of weights and determination. I love her DVDs because they’re set up in 3 levels. 1 being the easiest 3 being the hardest. In each level she has a modified version for those who are just starting out and an advanced version for those who have been at it for a while! At first I couldn’t even do the modified version without completely dying but I worked my way up and can now do the advanced version. I like to alternate between these two DVDs so I don’t get bored with my workouts. I also have her 30 day shred DVD which is also amazing but I couldn’t find it for this picture.
Morning shakes! Mornings are the worst. They’re always super busy and theres a lot of rushing around going on. I used to find myself skipping breakfast. BAD IDEA! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! If you skip breakfast you’ll find yourself starving by the time lunch time rolls around and will probably over eat to compensate. Why not make a shake instead? In my everyday morning shake I use 1 cup of original almond milk, a handful of oats, half an avocado, 1 tsp Matcha, 4-5 strawberries, a handful of blueberries, and a handful of frozen mango. DELISH! I love it! And it keeps me full till lunch! Best of all I can take it on the go during those busy days. As for lunch and dinner pinterest some healthy meal options. Get rid of white rice! I now eat quinoa with my dinner meals instead. Most of all don’t starve yourself. If you’re hungry then eat.
So there you have my secret to weight loss. The truth is there is no Secret at all. I’m still on my weight loss journey and working towards loosing at least another 12lbs. All it takes is some determination, a balanced diet, some hard work and sweat but most of all the proper mind set.
Really noticeable difference. Well done for sticking to your goals even when it can be difficult!
Thank you!!