Liebster Award!

Liebster Award!

Hi all! So I have been nominated by for the Liebster Award and I am so grateful and excited for this! I have actually seen nominations for this award going around and never knew what it was until now. The concept behind this award is to recognize new bloggers and encourage readers to check their blog out!

How it works:

– Mention the person who nominated you on your blog and Link them.

– Answer 11 questions by the person who nominated you.

– Nominate 5- 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers and link them below.

– Create your own 11 questions for them to answer and inform them that you hva nominated them for the award!

Here are the answers to the questions I was asked!

1. What made you want to start blogging? I’ve actually always wanted to start blogging but never knew what to blog about! Then I decided that I would blog about anything and everything because why does a blog have to only be about one thing right? However the main focus of my blog is beauty since I have recently fallen in love with makeup!

2. Who is the most important person if your life? I don’t have just one person in my life that’s important its more like 4 people. My husband and 3 daughters. They are the reason that I get up every morning and do what I do. I am so blessed to have them in my life and wouldn’t trade them for all the riches in the world.

3. If you had to live on an island for the rest of your life what are the 3 things you would take? Chapstick because I cannot stand dry lips they actually really hurt me, Water so I wouldn’t thrist, and a fishing net so I could catch all they fishys and eat them.

4. If you had one wish what would it be and why? I’d wish for an unlimited amount of wishes that way I could get more than one wish ;p

5. What are you looking forward to most this year? The end result of my weightloss journey. It has been 6months now and I have lost 31lbs! I have 11 pounds to go to reach my ultimate goal. Who knows I may keep going for another 10 pounds after that. We shall see!

6. What is your favourtie childhood memory? Family camping trips!! They were always so much fun 🙂

7. What your favourite beauty item? This is a DIFFICULT question!! If I had to choose one thing it would be lipstick! There are so many finishes and colours to choose from and the perfect lippie completes the look.

8. Which youtuber would you love to collab with? I would love to collab with Emily fox! I love her reviews and swatches. She seems super sweet and fun 🙂

9. Whats your favourite brand for skincare? Mary Kay! I have been using her line since 2008 I’ve tried other brands but keep coming back.

10. Whats your favourite shop and favourtie place to shop online? SEPHORA!!

11. If you could have only one hairstyle for the rest of your life what would it be? Voluminous Curls <3

I had to much fun answering these questions! I would like to nominate

I hope you all have just as much fun as I did with this! Here are my questions to you:

1. Why do you love to blog?

2. What is your favourite facial feature on yourself?

3. If you could be anyone else for a day who would you be and why?

4. Where would your dream vacation be?

5. What is your favourite dessert?

6. What was your funniest moment in life?

7. What is your favourite makeup brand and why?

8. What hair product or tool could you not live without?

9. What is your biggest pet peeve?

10. What is your ultimate favourite happy dance song?

11. Do you sing in the shower?

Thank you so much again Justine for the nomination!

Until next time lippies – Beth xo

Bethaly Miro

With this blog I strive to cultivate and foster a community that encourages and empowers women from all walks of life. I was a stay at home for 11 years to my three beautiful daughters and have since entered back into the working world! I am married to my high school sweetheart and together we have built a life we love. You can usually find me with a book in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other. I hope that this blog brings you comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone in whatever it is you’re growing through as a mother, a wife, a woman.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook

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