MAC Is Beauty

MAC Is Beauty

Let’s face it MAC is Beauty! I was in the mall killing time before I had to pick up my eldest from school and came upon the MAC is Beauty collection just released that morning! I was so ecstatic as I missed the last two collections that came out the MAC boa boa wan and MAC Cinderella. Everything I wanted from those collections were sold out by the time I got around to checking them out. 

I will say that I personally am not impressed with the lipsticks in this collection. The four I did like were Silly (Matte), Divaish (Amplified),  Reel sexy (Amplified) and Make me gorgeous (Amplified). The rest of the lippies were in Lustre finishes which is super sheer and in my experience emphasizes chapped lips and the colour pay off isn’t great either. What I was interested in were the beauty powders in particular Pearl Blossom.

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Pearl blossom is a beautiful shimmery pink powder. I have used this as both a highlighter and a blush and it looks fantastic both ways. Its colour is that of a cherry blossom tree that’s gorgeous pearlescent pink. The powder is not as pigmented as I expected it to be. To attain the picture above I had to swatch it a few times. The lasting power is also a bit of a downer. Didn’t last as long as I had anticipated it would maybe got about a good 4 hour wear on it. But with that being said I do not regret purchasing this cause I adore the colour so much!

Were you able to get your hands on any of the products in this new collection? What are your Faves and must haves?

Until next time lippies – Beth Xo

Bethaly Miro

With this blog I strive to cultivate and foster a community that encourages and empowers women from all walks of life. I was a stay at home for 11 years to my three beautiful daughters and have since entered back into the working world! I am married to my high school sweetheart and together we have built a life we love. You can usually find me with a book in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other. I hope that this blog brings you comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone in whatever it is you’re growing through as a mother, a wife, a woman.

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