Too Faced Sugar Pop Palette

Too Faced Sugar Pop Palette

How fun is the new Too Faced Sugar Pop palette?! I knew I had to have it as soon as I layed eyes upon it! I have a feeling this will be my go to summer eye palette 🙂

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This vibrant and playful palette offers nine shimmery and colourful eyeshadows inspired by macarons and candy! Every woman’s weakness. It also comes with a step by step guide on three different looks you can achieve with these shadows. Up until recently I have gravitated to more neutral colours for my eyeshadow, to afraid to try anything to bold. These colours may look intimidating but these shadows blend so easily allowing you to be as adventurous or timid as you want to be.


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The palette is so cute I couldn’t help but take a million pictures for you lippies!

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The top row Rock candy, Macaron, Malted milk ball

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Strawberry Ice, Sugared Violet, Blackberry

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Peach Fuzz, Bubblegum, Blue Raspberry

I keep saying it but I am so impressed with too faced! This is the first palette I have ever owned by the brand and I am so happy with it. The shadows swatch effortlessly with their buttery smooth texture. I did experience some fallout with these shadows. The pigments had no problems applying on my lids and they blend so easily together that it calmed the nerves I had about trying out some of these colours. These shades are super girly and loads of fun for spring and summer!

What Too Faced palettes do you own and why are they your faves?

Until next time Lippies – Beth Xo

Bethaly Miro

With this blog I strive to cultivate and foster a community that encourages and empowers women from all walks of life. I was a stay at home for 11 years to my three beautiful daughters and have since entered back into the working world! I am married to my high school sweetheart and together we have built a life we love. You can usually find me with a book in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other. I hope that this blog brings you comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone in whatever it is you’re growing through as a mother, a wife, a woman.

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  1. April 26, 2015 / 5:35 pm

    Great review! Too Faced is by far my favorite high-end brand! I am obsessed with their Natural Eyes palette! The new Natural Matte one is also great if you’re into matte shadows!

    • April 26, 2015 / 6:08 pm

      I was eyeing the natural matte one!! I played around with it in store and shadows are so smooth and pigmented!!

  2. April 19, 2015 / 2:51 am

    Great review! All of the colours look so lovely and perfect for spring! I especially love macaron😍 They all look so pigmented too! I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts! Maybe an eyeshadow tutorial from this palette?😋💖

    • April 19, 2015 / 6:41 am

      Thanks so much!! This palette is wonderful I’ve been wearing it everyday since I got it! 🙂

  3. April 18, 2015 / 1:01 pm

    Looks really fun and cute, but I’m too shy to wear those colours, hehe 🙂

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