Everyone who knows me knows that MAC Lipsticks are my weakness. I just believe that a lipstick can depict a woman’s mood. You can tell if a woman is feeling Pink Pigeon flirty, Dark side dark, Layed back with her nudes or powerful and confident in her Reds. I wanted to introduce you all to my newest babies in my MAC lipstick collection: Russian Red, Ruby Woo, Honeylove and Faux.
Faux on the left and top, Honeylove on the right and bottom. Every woman needs a go to nude. For me I happen to have two! Though I will admit I find myself picking up honeylove more than faux but I do believe this is the case cause we happen to be in the summer months. I see myself gravitating towards Faux in the fall. Faux is a pinky nude that matches my lips perfectly. Its a satin finish, glides on smoothly and is even moisturizing on my lips. Honeylove is a lipstick that I have been eyeing since last year. I tried to find dupes for it because at first I couldn’t see myself spending $19 on a lipstick with no colour LOL but to my dismay I could never find a nude that matched honeylove to my liking so finally took the plunge and bought it. Honeylove is a matte finish. The colour is lighter than my natural lip so its a brighter nude on me. I know some people have complained that matte is drying on their lips but this has never been the case with me. I love that you get full coverage on your lips with one swipe with these nudes.
Russian Red and Ruby Woo need I say more. How beautiful and alluring are these lipsticks! Again every woman has their perfect red lip and I yet again happen to have two. Russian red on the left and top, Ruby woo on the right and bottom. Russian red is the perfect matte classic red. Whenever I wear this lipstick I feel elegant. I can see myself wearing this to every holiday party this year. Ruby woo is one that I debated on cause I already own what I felt was a similar red, All Fired up. But as the saying goes life is to short not to buy that lipstick 😉 Ruby woo is a blue based retro matte finish red. It’s fun, it’s bright, it’s sophisticated. I love wearing this to the office or to a business meeting cause it just gives me that confidence not to mention blue based lipsticks tend to make your teeth look whiter 😉 Perfect for when you’re talking to those clients.
So there you have my most coveted Reds and Nudes. What are your must have colours?
Until next time lippies – Beth Xo
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My go to nude from MAC is ‘blankety’ and I just ordered ‘creme d’nude’ that I’m excited to try!!
Blankety is beautiful! It’s next on my list!
Love Ruby Woo!
Ruby woo is my go to red lipstick. I instantly feel more confidant when wearing it. Plus, I always get complimented on my “white teeth” ha ha
I love it so much!!
I have Russian Red and have been trying to get my hands on Ruby Woo for a while now! Must be a popular colour as it always seems to be out of stock xx
Ruby woo is a cult fave!!