Life is busy. Life as a mom is busier! Staying organized is so important in helping you feel less overwhelmed and to rock at being a stay at home mom. Here are the 6 things I do to stay organized!
1. Establish a Routine
The first most important thing a SAHM needs to stay organized is to establish a routine. From the moment the kids wake up to the moment the kids go to bed there should be a routine in place. This doesn’t mean that you and the kids need to do the EXACT same thing everyday because we know that would get boring really quick. A routine is more of waking up at the same time and going to bed at the same time. Here’s an example of what is set in my daily routine as a SAHM.
7:30am – The kids wake up
8:00am – Breakfast
8:20am – Take my two older daughters to school
10:00am – Snack
11:30am – Lunch
2:30pm – Pick up the kids from school
3:30pm – Snack
5:00pm – Dinner
8:00pm – Getting ready for bed and bed time.
Above are the times that are pretty much set in stone. Everything else in between is up to you as a SAHM to plan. Whether it’s running errands, doing chores, playdates, or doctor appointments you’ll feel organized just by having a daily routine in place.
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” – John C. Maxwell
2. Keep a Planner
Keep a planner..or 2..or 3! Personally I have 3 planners that I use to keep track of my daily schedule. I have my iphone calendar, a whiteboard calendar in the kitchen and a planner from indigo. I like using my iphone calendar because let’s face it my phone goes everywhere I go so it’s easily accessible at all times. I use the whiteboard calendar in the kitchen so that my whole family can see what the months schedule looks like. The planner from indigo I keep in my desk and mostly use it to plan out my blog content. Although I do pencil in my schedule there as well in case I didn’t check my iphone or whiteboard calendar. I use my indigo planner on the daily. Whenever I’m working it’s open on my desk with me.
3. Plan your meals ahead of time
This simple tip can save you time and money. I don’t know how many times my family and I would eat out because I didn’t know what to cook and when I did decide on something to cook I didn’t have all the ingredients I needed. Now I plan a minimum of 1 weeks worth of meals and will makeup a grocery list of what to buy. I also don’t have the headache of trying to figure meals out each day.
4. Create a cleaning schedule
I’m a neat freak. Personally I feel stressed when my house is a mess. But it’s hard to keep a house tidy when there’s people living in it! (Who can relate?! ) What works best for me is to have a cleaning schedule throughout the week. Here’s what mine looks like:
Monday – Wash the 4 loads of Laundry
Tuesday – Fold the Laundry
Wednesday – Vacuum and mop the floors
Thursday – Dust the house
Friday – Clean the bathrooms
Saturday and Sunday – Mama’s on a break from cleaning!
Breaking up the chores into different days makes household cleaning manageable and maintains the tidiness all year long.
“When your environment is clean, you feel happy motivated and healthy.” – Lailah Gifty Akita
5. Teach your kids to clean up after themselves
Instead of trying to stay organized all by yourself, why not teach your kids to clean up after themselves? Put your husband on this list while you’re at it haha! One of the rules in the house is: before you move on to the next activity you must clean up your last activity. So If my girls are playing dress up and they’re moving on to play school they need to put away their dress up clothes before they start to build their classroom. I also give my daughters chores. They have to clean up the dinner table after dinner, to make their beds, etc. Not only does this make your job easier but teaches them responsibility and how to stay organized as well.
6. Get rid of things you don’t use
Clutter is the worst. Having a bunch of things that you don’t need or use sitting around your house is an easy way to feel disorganized. The solution? Purge, get rid of things you don’t use. My rule of thumb is if you haven’t touched it all year then you’re never gonna touch it again so say goodbye! We purge twice a year in my house when it comes to cleaning out toys. Once during spring cleaning time and once just before Christmas. I let the girls help me go through their toys and choose which ones to giveaway. Letting your kids know that you are donating their old toys to less fortunate children is a great way to help them part from their toys and teaches them a sense of community. As for clothing we do a clean up once every season change. The girls grow so fast out of their clothes that usually their fall clothes from last year won’t fit them this year so we clean out their closets every season keeping clothes that can be used as hand-me-downs since I have all girls.
So there you have the 6 ways to stay organized and rock at being a stay at home mom! What do you do to stay organized?
I loved reading this post because this is the ultimate goal for me if I’m lucky enough to be a mama one day! X
Aw thank you so much for reading! I believe you will be beyond blessed with having kids one day 💗
This is such a helpful checklist ! We really need to get more organized! I guess just noting stuff down could make a difference
Yes it really can! And there is something about checking a task off of your to do list that I love
I have five kids, a full time job and I write a food blog and I cannot tell you how important every signle thing you have written truly is when you have a busy life!
I think my entire family would crumble without routine and meal plans 🙂
You are one busy momma! That’s so great that you have a routine that works for you and your family
Love it!! Keeping a schedule can be tough with a one year old that doesn’t sleep much during the night but we try our best! :p I love these ideas, thanks!
I feel ya! Flexibility is always good. Having a schedule as a guide definitely helps 🙂 thanks for reading!
I LOVE the cleaning schedule idea. I’m a working mama (teacher) & I’m always falling behind in the cleaning department!
I like cleaning bits at a time rather than all at once I find its way easier to manage 😊 thanks for reading!
Great tips, I need to work on getting rid of stuff regularly. I’m getting better at sticking to a cleaning schedule makes life easier.
Yes purging is key to keeping the clutter at a minimal 🙂
Wonderful tips, I need to work on getting rid of stuff that I don’t need on the regular. I’m getting better at my schedule though.
I so needed to read this! These are great tips
Routine and planning is everything in life no matter where you are!
This is awesome! It’s very helpful 😁
Especially the part way I say to teach your husband while you’re at it! haha