“Your mother had Slim fast, You have Keto, Your daughter deserves FREEDOM”
This quote hit me hard when I came across it. Please don’t get my wrong there is absolutely nothing wrong about losing weight or being on a weight loss journey. But I have one question for you…what is the reason why you’re on this weight loss journey?
Does it stem from a place of love and appreciation for your body?Or does it stem from a place of self-hate? How often do we hear the phrase “I need to loose weight because I hate (insert portion of body).” I know I’m guilty of this phrase.
Last year my daughter, Aria, told me that she didn’t want to finish the rest of her food because she was afraid that if she ate to much she would get fat. THAT’S ON ME. I instilled that mindset in her and I was SO ashamed and saddened that this was the example I gave her.
I know that in order to BREAK this cycle it needs to start with ME. So I’m changing the way I speak about my body and all bodies because my daughters and your daughters deserve FREEDOM
FREEDOM from body shaming.
FREEDOM to love their bodies no matter the size .
FREEDOM to eat what they want without fear.
FREEDOM to be their beautiful perfect selves.