My Girls First Experiences with Dance Class

School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty

Happy December everyone! Can you believe that we are already in the month of December and just 22 days from Christmas?! I sure can’t! Last month my girls, Aria and Margaux, started their first dance lessons at the Guildford School of Music and Dance! Aria and Margaux have always wanted to join dance lessons and so they were super excited when the hubby and I told them that they would be joining dance last month! Since this is a new experience for them I thought I’d share how their first experiences with dance lessons are going and how our family is doing incorporating dance lessons into our busy schedule! There’s also a GIVEAWAY at the end of this post for a chance to win a Christmas gift box for your child including a full dance outfit or music book, and a month of free lessons!

Insight into our Busy Schedules

A little insight on our extracurricular activities…Monday’s are Jiujitsu for Belle, Tuesdays are youth for Belle, Wednesdays are Jiujitsu for Belle, Thursdays are Piano for Aria, Fridays are youth for Belle, Saturdays are usually meant for catch up and Sundays are saved for Church and Family time. So you can see that our schedule was pretty booked up before Aria and Margaux were even taking dance lessons!

School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty

Aria and Margaux’s Dance Class Picks

The girls take dance lessons at the Guildford School of Music and Dance every Saturday morning which is perfect for us since it is only an 8 minute drive from our home! (We live in the Fleetwood area) Margaux is taking Pre-jazz and Hip-hop where as Aria is taking Ballet. At first I thought that Margaux would prefer Ballet over Pre-jazz and hip-hop because of the Ballet uniform. Aria’s uniform (as you can see from above) consists of a bodysuit, tights, a tutu, Ballet shoes and of course everything is pink! Margaux’s uniform consists of a black t-shirt with the Guildford School of Music and Dance logo on the back, black leggings and black jazz shoes.

Based off of my daughter’s personalities I thought that they would’ve preferred each others classes to their own, however I was surprised when told me they were happy with the classes that they were given. 🙂 I’ve seen Aria dance hip-hop during a school production and she hit those moves on point! This is why I thought she may do better in pre-jazz and hip-hop as opposed to Ballet. Margaux had always spoken about taking Ballet lessons so I was a little worried that she would get into her pre-jazz and hip-hop class and decide that she wants nothing to do with it and would fret over getting into Ballet instead.

School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty

Guildford School of Music and Dance

The Guildford School of Music and Dance made it super easy is to register Aria and Margaux into their classes, they walked me through the entire process and their response time to any of my inquiries was impeccable (usually the day of or within 1 business day!) When I went to pickup the girl’s uniforms the receptionist at the front desk was so accommodating and allowed us to try on several sizes of the uniforms to ensure that the girls had the correct fit! (Ill fitting uniforms could take away from the lesson or cause injury if say the uniform was to large or to tight.) Once the girls were fitted for their dance uniforms the receptionist gave us reminders of the day and time the girls dance classes start. 🙂

Margaux’s first experience in dance class

Every Saturday morning Margaux is the first one to start her dance class. Pre-Jazz and hip-hop is a 45 minute class taught by Ms. Kathleen! Ms. Kathleen is such a sweet teacher and so accommodating allowing me to be apart of her class so that I could grab pictures and stories of Margaux dancing. You can tell that she loves to teach and dance and she has such a way with the kids.

Though Margaux had been impatiently waiting all week to start her first dance class, when she got to class she was somewhat shy. Ms. Kathleen broke the ice by introducing her to the class and having each student introduce themselves. Once the introductions were out of the way Margaux felt more at ease and the class started their warm up! Ms. Kathleen taught each dance move before adding music to it, so Marguax was able to pick up the moves quickly. 🙂 By the middle of the class she was happy to try out solo dance moves in front of the class. At the end of class Margaux had made some new friends and was already looking forward to her next lesson!

School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty
School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty

Aria’s first experience in dance class

Aria’s class begins right after Margaux’s class so what the hubby and I do is switch kids. I bring Margaux to class and Paul brings Aria to the school. At the end of Margaux’s class, I take Aria to her lesson and Paul brings Margaux home. (woo that’s a juggling act!) Aria’s instructor is also Ms.Kathleen and Aria and her hit it off right away.

Aria’s personality is quite outgoing compared to that of Margaux so Aria had no problems making friends straight away! She was chit chatting with all the students before Ms.Kathleen even asked them to introduce themselves to Aria. 🙂 Just like Margaux’s class they began with a warm up and Ms. Kathleen taught all the dance moves before asking the kids to do it so Aria caught on in no time! As I sat in class watching Aria I was SO impressed with her form! It was as if she had been taking lessons for quite some time and even Ms.Kathleen noticed. At the end of class Aria was beaming and she to couldn’t wait until her next lesson.

Does this sound like something your little ones would enjoy? Then come have fun in music lessons and dance classes with me at the School of Music & Dance!

School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty
School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty

A Christmas Present Giveaway

The School of Music and Dance has offered to run a giveaway for a Month’s worth of FREE dance lessons for your child!

They have 3 locations, Whiterock, Guildford and Walnut Grove. If you live across the bridge the Guildford location would be the closest as it’s only a 5 minute drive from Port Man. 🙂

To enter the giveaway head over to my Instagram and follow the directions to enter! The Giveaway runs until December 16th and the winner will be announced on the 17th. 🙂

School of music and dance, Dance lessons, First experience with dance lessons, First experience with dance, Pre-jazz and Hip-hop dance, Ballet, Hip-hop dance lessons, Ballet dance lessons, bethalylovebeauty

Do you’re children take dance lessons? Did you take dance lessons when you were younger? What was your first experience with dance class like? Share it in the comments down below!

Bethaly Miro

With this blog I strive to cultivate and foster a community that encourages and empowers women from all walks of life. I was a stay at home for 11 years to my three beautiful daughters and have since entered back into the working world! I am married to my high school sweetheart and together we have built a life we love. You can usually find me with a book in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other. I hope that this blog brings you comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone in whatever it is you’re growing through as a mother, a wife, a woman.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook

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